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Low carbon development direction of China's hardware products
In recent years, the state vigorously implements the energy conservation and emission reduction policy, as the key play in the 12th Five Year Plan, is rapidly and gradually infiltrating into all walks of life. China has gradually become a big country in hardware processing and export in the world. At present, the export of China's hardware industry is growing at an average annual rate of more than 10%. Last year, the export foreign exchange exceeded US $5 billion, ranking third in China's light industry export. With the continuous improvement of consumer demand, the hardware accessories put forward greater demand and higher requirements. Although China's hardware products have developed for more than ten years, some enterprises have gradually formed a series of standardized and brand management, but the rapid economic growth of hardware industry is at the cost of resource waste, energy waste and environmental pollution, which is an extensive economic growth mode. For hardware enterprises, strengthening technological innovation and diversified development is the key. The analysis report on the development prospects and investment strategic planning of China's hardware industry in 2013-2017 released by the foresight Industry Research Institute shows that in the next two years, China's construction hardware products will also move towards the development path of intelligence and humanity. The hardware industry research report points out that: the hardware industry is a typical industry relying on coal for survival, which is greatly affected by energy constraints. In the face of the global call to control the greenhouse effect, the era of low-carbon economy has become the development trend of the world. China's hardware industry must stand in the macro perspective, actively respond to the challenge of low-carbon, grasp the link of energy conservation and emission reduction, seek more favorable and suitable survival mode, and meet the arrival of the low-carbon era.
Source:      Time:2024/3/13 10:56:13
Zhaoqing Mingkun Xinlan Hardware Products Co., Ltd
Mobile phone:13420758168 Address: No. 3, Mafang Industrial Zone, Dasha Town, Sihui City